Category Archives: 2017

The 10th Mt Gambier to Melbourne Ride, 2017

For its 10th year the Mt Gambier to Melbourne fundraising ride will be held over the Labour Day long-weekend. It has been a colossal effort riding this each year – ten is a great achievement and we want this to be the biggest yet. So come and join the Greenham family and friends cycle 450kms over 4 days (or any part of it), raising money and awareness for the international, emergency medical-aid organisation Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF).

2016 was a great ride; perfect conditions and plenty of new faces. It really does become an incredible ride with extra people, no matter how short or far a distance they join for.

The ride is officially sanctioned by MSF as a fundraising event and we sincerely thank them for their support. The inspiration for these rides comes from the ethos that MSF display in providing much-needed aid to those most in need, regardless of race, religion, creed or status. Please visit the MSF website for more information on their amazing work.

The ride itinerary will be:
Friday 10 March – Depart Mount Gambier 4pm to Dartmoor 6pm, 50km
Saturday 11 March – Depart Dartmoor 8am via Port Fairy to Warrnambool 5pm, 150km
Sunday 12 March – Depart Warrnambool 8 am via Camperdown to Inverleigh 6pm, 160km
Monday 13 March – Depart Inverleigh 9am to Melbourne 2pm, 90km

Please contact Michael (0488553803) or Billy (0422424144) Greenham if you have any questions or are interested in joining some of the ride. The ride will pass through Port Fairy while the Folk Festival is in swing, and as usual there will be food stops at Camperdown and Werribee, so don’t be shy.
You can view our past Mount Gambier to Melbourne rides, and see all the photos from previous rides in Portugal and Spain, Tasmania, Turkey/Greece and Continental Western Europe.

Team leaving Port Fairy

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Filed under 2017, Mount Gambier to Melbourne